Hi! My name is Luke. I figured it would be helpful to write a little background about me and introduce myself if I’m going to give this blogging thing a try. It means a lot you’re taking the time to read this!
Who I Am
I’m a dude in my late 20s and work full-time as a software developer. When I’m not working, I like to play Hearthstone (video game), watch American football (huge San Francisco 49ers fan), and spend time with my guide dog, Grenadine, a female yellow labrador retriever.
I am obsessed with burritos. Seriously, anyone who knows me well knows that burritos are my all-time favorite food in the world. A good ribeye steak with homemade fries, cole slaw, crab cakes, and some form of steamed vegetable is a close second, though. Maybe there’s a world in which a burrito with ribeye and cole slaw exists.
Music is a huge passion of mine. I sang in my high school chamber choir, performed in two a cappella groups in college, and still sing every single day to relieve stress and decompress. I’m by no means a pro or someone who feels super comfortable performing solo in front of people, but it does help me feel better and energized during times when I’m feeling low. I can’t really narrow down my taste to particular genres or groups. If it sounds good to me, I’ll listen to it. In the time I’m writing this post, I’ve listened to music ranging from instrumental LoFi to classic rock.
I graduated Cum Laude with my Bachelors of Science in Computer Science from the University of Pittsburgh in 2022. Originally a music major, transitioning to a STEM discipline was a lot of work, but I’m now on the other side, grateful for all the support I received over the years that allowed me to earn my degree. And believe me, I have tons to share on that chapter.
Oh, and I’m totally blind. Like, lights out, no visual perception whatsoever, nada. It’s something that I’ll talk about over time as it relates to the many aspects of my life, but just a fair warning it’s not something I often think about, so I’ll do my best to fill in the gaps where appropriate.
What I Do for Work
I specialize in developing web applications and improving digital accessibility. Some of the awesome stuff I’ve gotten to work on the last few years include:
- Programming specialized hardware to interface with museum kiosks
- Developing and deploying an interactive question game at the 2024 National Federation of the Blind national convention
- Leading research efforts evaluating the accessibility of a popular digital image specification known as the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF)
In addition to developing websites for various clients and assisting with accessibility research efforts, I primarily develop in-house tools for my team that simplify their tasks. Much of our work involves writing reports, many of which are repetitive, tedious, and prone to errors. My role is to create tools that automate these tasks, allowing the team to focus on delivering exceptional feedback to clients, which significantly impacts the accessibility of their websites.
Software Development as a Hobby
I spend some of my free time developing software that makes life easier for myself or others. It’s also a great way for me to exercise what I learn from work and practice it in my own personal projects, all of which are open-sourced and can either be collaborated on or forked from. That means whatever I put out there needs to be organized and carefully developed.
I wrote an app that automatically applies a patch to the video game, Hearthstone, a digital card game where players collect cards and battle against others using strategic deck-building and gameplay. Think of it as a Magic the Gathering or Yu-Gi-Oh! alternative. Simply put, you open my program, answer a prompt or two, then get accessibility in your installation of Hearthstone.
I also developed a desktop app that provides keyboard shortcuts for controlling Spotify playback and communicates details of the currently playing track, like the song title and artist name, to screen reader users. This one’s a favorite of mine because it cuts out the hassle of switching to the Spotify window just to see what I’m listening to or to like a song. Now, I can just hit a keyboard command while reading an email, and my screen reader instantly tells me the artist and song name.
Disability Rights Advocacy
I was recently appointed to the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) Pennsylvania State Board in late 2024. My role is to collaborate with my fellow board members to work with OVR leadership so the agency may better serve the disabled community of Pennsylvania. It is an incredible honor and privilege to serve on the board, and I look forward to growing and developing in a position that affords my fellow disabled friends access to resources and opportunities to pursue rich and fulfilling lives.
The Goal of My Blog
I’ve spent a majority of my adult life grinding, pushing, and discovering my sense of purpose. While I’m not entirely certain of what that is just yet, I’ve come to realize that putting myself out there is a great way to feel more grounded. Working with others brings me such joy, and contributing meaningfully in ways that impacts others’ lives for the better is an even greater sense of accomplishment. I have so many thoughts on various facets of life, and if I can help others better themselves, I’m happy to do so. My achievements illustrate just what having a strong network and support system can do for someone, and it’s absolutely imperative that we strive for cultivating those things so we may grow into better versions of ourselves.
There simply is no way anyone could give a full impression of who they are in one blog post. My hope is that by discussing more topics over time, you will get a better understanding of who I am, what I believe, and what drives me every day. Much of what I post about will encompass any combination of the following:
- Navigating life in my late 20s
- Disability rights and advocacy
- Mental health
- Managing personal relationships
- Personal growth and development
- Life as a blind person
- Random thoughts on whatever comes to mind (sports, video games, culture, etc)
Final Thoughts
I’m nervous about writing this post. I’m nervous about being vulnerable on the internet. I’m nervous about where life will take me next. But I know that regardless of what happens, it will all work out for the best.
If you’re reading this and are even marginally interested in keeping up with me, that truly means a lot. I may not post too terribly often, but what I lack in quantity I will certainly make up for in quality. Hopefully, by reading anything I put out here, you walk away with something you didn’t have before, whether that’s new ideas, positivity, encouragement, or just sheer amusement.
As I work to put up more content on the site, I will also figure out the best way to communicate with me should anyone be interested in doing so. I’d like to foster a connection with anyone who reads my content and wants to talk.